icon monolith code

minimalistic but powerful code editor

latest version


console commands
!ver                Shows the current version of the application
!cls                Clear console
!kill               Kills the currently running process
!hello              Hello There :D
!dev                Open Chrome Devtools for the preview window
!settings           Open settings file
!lang_settings      Open language settings file
!exp_pdf            Generate and export PDF of the current preview panel
!help               Shows all the available commands

ctrl + o            Open a file
ctrl + b            Build and run the current file
ctrl + s            Save the current file
ctrl + n            Open a new editor window
ctrl + i            Open settings
ctrl + p            Export the preview window as PDF
ctrl + t            Open a hello world tamplate for the current language
ctrl + m            Evaluate a mathematical equation on the selected line
ctrl + ,            Open editor settings
ctrl + shift + b    Beautify the document
ctrl + shift + s    Save the current document as new file
ctrl + shift + x    Open/close terminal panel
ctrl + shift + t    Open/close preview panel